Top 10 Django Packages You Should Know

Rohit Sharma
2 min readOct 19, 2024


Here are the top 10 Django packages that can enhance your development experience and help you build robust applications:

  1. Django REST Framework (DRF)
  • A powerful toolkit for building Web APIs.
  • Features include serialization, authentication, and view sets.

2. Django Allauth

  • Comprehensive authentication solution.
  • Supports social authentication and email verification.

3. Django Celery

  • Integrates Celery with Django for asynchronous task processing.
  • Ideal for background job management.

4. Django Debug Toolbar

  • A configurable set of panels that display various debug information.
  • Helps in profiling and troubleshooting during development.

5. Django Crispy Forms

  • Makes it easy to manage Django forms with a clean and elegant layout.
  • Supports Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks.

6. Django Guardian

  • Provides per-object permissions for Django models.
  • Useful for applications requiring fine-grained access control.

7. Django Compressor

  • Combines and compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single file.
  • Helps in optimizing load times for web applications.

8. Django Storages

  • A collection of storage backends for Django, including Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc.
  • Facilitates file storage in cloud services.

9. Django Haystack

  • A search abstraction layer for Django.
  • Works with various search backends like Elasticsearch and Solr.

10. Django Channels

  • Extends Django to handle asynchronous protocols like WebSockets.
  • Enables real-time features in your applications.

These packages can significantly enhance your Django projects by adding functionality and improving the development process. If you’d like more details about any specific package or additional recommendations, feel free to ask!

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